Having been the owner of a fussy pet with food and environmental allergies, The Pet Stop understands the importance of tasty, quality products containing natural, good quality ingredients. More and more owners are making the switch to grain free and good quality foods and snacks to ensure their four-legged friends’ best chance at good health and happiness*, hence our “Delivering Pet Happiness”, which is delivered free in the Ellon area. Delicious recipes from puppy through to senior ensuring a tasty diet for everyone.  The old saying “you are what you eat” can be applied to our pets too.  If you’d like to see for yourself how enjoyable the recipes are why not give us a call to arrange a taste session so your pooch can choose their favourite.

~ Shona Dempster, Owner.

(* Always remember if you have concerns regarding your pets’ food or changing diet, to consult with your veterinary practice)

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